What is the Ketogenic Diet and How do I Get Started?Skip ahead to 9:19 in this interview to learn about a variety of ketogenic diets. In this interview I discuss the differences among them...
Fats, Proteins & Supplements: Which Ingredients Should I Use in My Ketogenic Diet?Skip ahead to 14:30 in this interview to hear about which foods my patients prefer, including cost and quality considerations. I spend a...
How To Manage Your Diet With KetoDietCalculatorKetoDietCalculator is an important - and free - meal calculating tool for following a controlled ketogenic diet. KetoDietCalculator...
Recent Research & Applications of Ketogenic DietsThough the ketogenic diet has existed for over 100 years, the applications of it are only beginning to be researched and understood. In...
Scientific Overview of Ketogenic DietsIn this seminar that was done in conjunction with USF Health and Morsani College of Medicine, I discuss the science behind ketogenic...